There are good things and bad things about being a melanoma survivor. This goes for people knowing as well. Today, I'm sticking with the good because of what happened at the soccer field yesterday.
I, obviously, try to avoid the sun as much as I can. Yes, I wear sunscreen all the time. I carry a shade chair with me to every game. But, sometimes, I am going to be out in the sun for a while. I'm not willing to avoid it or let it control my life. At a soccer game, I had a mom offer to move her shade umbrella so that I could stand under it. She knows I'm a survivor. I was touched that she offered but even more touched about what happened afterwards. She gave me no grief about declining and didn't make any "attempt to be funny" comments about being in the sun. It was a simple offer and a wonderful response to me.
It may sound simple but she is the good side of being a survivor. She offered me shade which she knows I always seek out but never questioned my refusal to take it. I can't count the number of times I've had people say, "YOU should be out of the sun" or "You REALLY don't want shade?" And so on and on and on questioning my status and or my decision making. Trust me people, I can tell you the UVA/UVB rating on my windows and for the daily weather. I know how to take care of myself.
The positive side of being a survivor is having people around you who look out for you without being over-bearing about it or questioning your ability to stay a survivor. And yes, sometimes (ok, often) I do accept their offer of shade and say thank you without lecturing.