Friday, July 22, 2011


I promised to share pictures.  The first one is reversed because I took it in the mirror.  The next two were taken by my husband and young son. I obviously got over asking someone to help me take pictures.  It's amazing how quickly I got over that.  There are slightly graphic, so if you are at all uncomfortable, keep moving on.
 The mole in the center is the one that was melanoma.  Doesn't look like much huh?
 These are my stitches two weeks after getting them and one day before getting them removed.
This is the area a week after having the stitches out.  It's been another week and the redness is a little better, but not much.

Ironically, the mole that the scar is pointing to is one that will probably get the heave-ho in one of my upcoming biopsy appointments.  And another one can be seen in the first picture just past my bra strap.

Now the joke I've been using is that I need a zipper tattoo for the scar.  I don't really want a zipper tattoo but a tattoo of some type is in  order......when I can fathom the thought a needle near that area. It might be a while for that, so I have a long time to decide. Right now, Rosie the Riveter is my leading idea. I have always loved that iconic design and now even more.

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