Saturday, October 29, 2011

Melanoma Breakthroughs

I try to keep up with developing news about melanoma and cancer in general.  Usually, it takes some searching.  The other day I found out all I had to do was open my daily newspaper.  The front page, main article was about a new break through with a combination therapy being used in clinical trials for advanced stage melanoma patients.  Loved it.  You can see the original article here: SF Chronicle - Melanoma Advances

I sincerely hope this develops into huge leaps and gains for all of us with melanoma, no matter what stage.  Can you imagine being able to take a pill daily that would prohibit any cancer cells from traveling through your body and metastisizing?  I can, and I can't wait for that day because I worry most about those spots that haven't been biopsied or noticed.

We have come so far and still have a long ways to go, but this article details a huge step forward.

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